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Why You Should Include GIFs in your Digital Marketing Strategy

You might not consider using Baby Yoda or sad Pokémon in a digital marketing strategy. Still, a graphics interchange format (GIF) image is one of the fastest ways to share information visually or find out what the latest thoughts (or laughs!) are in pop culture. According to Giphy, a company providing users with animated GIFs …

What is Video Marketing and How Can It Help Generate Revenue?

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2020 and has been updated with updated and additional content in June 2022. 4.4 billion – that’s how many blog posts were written today. So how do you and your company stand out in this sea of blog posts? A video marketing strategy has become necessary to …

The Ultimate Guide for Social Media Marketing

Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated with additional content in June 2022. Now that we live in the digital age, we are exposed to social media every single day. Why? Because social media allows us to communicate and share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. When you …

Instagram Video Formats Everyone Should Know

Instagram has more than 1 billion users worldwide, and Instagram video marketing is growing in popularity. According to Instagram, 90% of people on the platform follow a business, and 50% are more interested in a brand when they see its advertisements on Instagram. Instagram video marketing offers extensive leverage with its various formats, and it is currently the …

Live Social Media Content – What You Need to Know

In the internet age, the world has a bit of a double-edged relationship with personal connections. Social media has made us simultaneously more and less personally connected with others; we both feel the freedom to share more of ourselves with the public than in any prior human society and feel more disconnected from each other in the process. But …

18 Tips to Humanize your Business with Video Marketing

Video marketing is growing rapidly. It’s also a versatile tool to use throughout the customer buying journey and is very engaging, whether you create customer testimonials, how-to, or brand videos. Vidyard, the video business platform and a WSI partner, recently held its quarterly virtual summit on video sales and marketing. Fast Forward: Humanizing Digital Sales and …

How to Leverage the Biggest Social Media Trends in 2022

Social media marketing opportunities are expanding rapidly, and companies are moving into ecommerce faster than they planned due to the global business environment. New digital worlds are opening up with well-known brands moving into virtual real estate. Social media platforms offer the opportunity to connect with customers where they spend time, which leads to more …

Why Mark Zuckerberg and the Metaverse Matter To Your Business

The year 2021 was many things – some good and, unfortunately, some that made it a spin around the sun that we as a society would rather forget. But one development late last year could have an outsized impact compared to the attention it’s garnered since the announcement: Mark Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta. And …

5 Tips to Grow Your Online Reputation and Brand on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become a vital social media tool for brands and businesses. Your customers and prospective customers are on LinkedIn. Your investors and key stakeholders are on LinkedIn. Your employees and potential employees are on LinkedIn. With that, reputation management has become a crucial part of many businesses’ LinkedIn strategy. Why is it important to …