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Ecommerce Trends You Need to Know

Today, there are multiple channels where you can engage with customers and convert the relationship to sales. And ecommerce marketing can offer great opportunities to businesses worldwide. When you combine that with the knowledge of current ecommerce trends, you will be ready for the next ecommerce chapter, which includes: Create a seamless customer experience across all platforms Meet your …

Three In-Demand Digital Marketing Skills You Need

LinkedIn Marketing highlights in a recent report the extent to which the demand for marketers in digital roles has grown. Their internal data analysis demonstrates that digital marketing and social media jobs are in great demand. Fifty percent of the top ten jobs posted on LinkedIn are in the digital and media environment. Businesses globally …

How Voice Search Will Change the Digital Marketing Landscape

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2019 and has been updated with additional content on July 2021. In recent years, voice search has been dominating the search landscape. It has become a convenience to many, allowing everyday users to speak into their devices instead of typing keywords into a search query to …

What is Inbound Marketing and Why Is It Important?

If you’re in the realm of digital marketing, you’ve probably heard the phrase “inbound marketing” a couple of times. Plenty of marketers emphasize the importance of inbound marketing in their digital strategy. While it’s easy to grasp the basics, inbound marketing can be a tricky but cost-effective process that lets you convert customers organically (and …

The Future of Post-Pandemic Marketing: 5 Predictions for 2021

Well…this post is going to be a little different than in previous years, isn’t it? I guess that’s true of most things in 2020, so it’s no longer surprising. Usually, when December rolls around, we wax poetic about the joy of Thanksgiving, which carries into the merriment and wonder of the holiday season, culminating with …

6 Ways to Use Video Marketing Across Your Business

If you’re an avid reader of our blog posts, you’ll know that WSI has been in the digital marketing space for quite some time – 25 years to be exact! So, when the Coronavirus pandemic hit, we knew we had a responsibility to share our digital marketing expertise and help businesses around the world navigate …

Influencer Marketing: What Are Micro-Influencers?

Influencer marketing has become an extremely effective way for businesses to promote their brand, products and/or services. In 2019, influencer marketing is not only maintaining its foothold – it’s continuing to grow. What is influencer marketing? In a nutshell, it’s when a business collaborates or partners with an influential person (or people) to promote something. …