Eagle Mountain Products is the official online retailer for WCM Industries, the manufacturer of Watco drains and Woodford faucets. Their web site, www.buyeagle.biz, is the online sales channel for the entire product line, offering online shoppers the best variety and selection and an opportunity to buy direct from the manufacturer.
WSI was originally retained by Eagle Mountain Products back in late 2012. The initial project, completed in 2013, included creating 58 SEO landing pages optimized for keywords with volume of over 80,000 searches per month. The on-page optimization was followed up with organic link building and blog posting on popular blogging platforms. This activity led to huge growth in organic visitors, and a very happy client.
Since 2012, WSI has been the sole SEO vendor to Eagle Mountain Products and has engaged in various projects to enhance visibility and sales across the site. For 2017, our mission is to leverage SEO to increase sales of Woodford Yard Hydrants. This is a high ticket item and will have a disproportionately positive effect on overall sites sales once the SEO kicks in.
To begin the project, we have selected three pages that are the typical entry points for shoppers looking to purchase Yard Hydrants:
These three pages have been optimized for high volume, relevant keywords that consumers and plumbers use to find these products online. For the balance of the year, we will focus on off page optimization including blogs at Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, and Weebly as well as Google+ posts.
We are looking forward to a 5th year of SEO success for Eagle Mountain Products!
This post original appeared at: http://www.wsiexpertinternetmarketing.com/our-blog/wsi-retained-for-5th-year-of-seo-for-plumbing-products-e-commerce-site
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